Wow! A lot has transpired in 1 week! A week ago I wrote to you that the Bishop’s decision on restructuring would be coming soon. And, it came a few days after I wrote that!
Thank you for your loyalty. You have been faithful here in the parish for a long time; and especially these past months when we were undergoing the Restructuring Process. It is all disconcerting. Many questions and feelings get involved in ordinary thinking. It is not easy. Thank you for being patient and to continue to walk with the Lord. For some it has been a true test of faith—faith in God and in our Catholic Faith.
The bottom line, as I see it is, the church needs people to be active participants. People need to come to church. People who are good, holy people, need to not give up on the command that Jesus says “go out to all the nations and baptize them”. Evangelization, beginning with ourselves, is something we cannot look away from. I look out the window, and the Monday morning rush hour is much different from the Sunday morning rush hour. People are not attending mass or church services. That’s the bottom line.
As we move forward in these coming months, may we be open to the Holy Spirit for a true evangelization here in Lombard and in Oak Brook Terrace.
Peace…..Fr. Jeff