Christ the King Knights of Columbus Council 11027
The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to 15,900 councils and over 1.9 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam, Saipan, Lithuania, Ukraine, and South Korea.
Our charitable activities encompass an almost infinite variety of local, national and international projects. From international charitable partnerships with Special Olympics, the Global Wheelchair Mission and Habitat for Humanity to our own Food for Families and Coats for Kids projects and other local charities, the opportunity to work together with fellow Knights and their families is virtually endless.
Our Parish Knights of Columbus Council is Christ the King Council #11027, founded in 1993. Together we empower Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in there community. Our Principles center on Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We are a very active council that supports and works with our parish. You will make friends, learn something new, have fun, feel more connected to the parish and have an opportunity to make a difference. We would love to talk with Catholic Gentlemen and their families about what we do or how we can help you live your faith.
Please contact Rick Cosenza by phone / text 630.776.2488 or email
Online Membership link: Join Us | Knights of Columbus
Please enter "11027" in the field for preferred local council.
Officers for 2024-2025:
Grand Knight:
Rick Cosenza
Deputy Grand Knight:
Ray Wojkovich
Mike DePhillips
Financial Secretary:
Frank Frydrych
Jim Krupka