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Council of Catholic Women

CCW Invites You...

About The Council of Catholic Women: Christ the King Parish Council is part of the National Council of Catholic Women - a federation that was established at the request of the U.S. Bishops in 1921. CCW has a long history of service to the Church in America and has a membership of millions of Catholic women across the country, in over 7,000 Catholic women’s organizations. Our Council is part of the Joliet Diocesan Council.

Mission Statement: The goal of CCW is to provide spiritual and educational growth for the women of the parish and also to provide social and service opportunities for its members to use their talents to nurture one another and benefit the community.

Meetings are usually held on the 3rd Monday of the month, September thru May. In addition to a variety of programs, we support several projects throughout the year. Please watch this space or the Bulletin for information about meetings, programs and activities.

Benefits: You will make friends, learn something new, have fun, feel more connected with the parish and have an opportunity to make a difference.

Officers for 2024-2025: 


Mary Maderak

Vice President:

Michele Pitello


Irene Boutiette

Recording Secretary:

Judy Knox

Corresponding Secretary:

Maria Flores

CCW 2024 Woman of the Year:
Rachel Vaughn

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