Altar Servers: Altar Servers assist the priest at the altar during Mass. This service may help young parishioners to become involved in other ministries of the Parish in the future as well as provide for possible vocational opportunities.
Art and Environment: This ministry maintains an atmosphere of natural beauty and prayer in the church building in which parishioners gather for worship, community sharing, and giving to those in need.
Church Ushers/Greeters: A ministry of hospitality that meets and greets all who enter, assists parishioners with their needs, and assists with the weekly collection. These men and women are the welcoming face of Christ. A greeter is someone who can reach out to others with ease, have a presence of warmth and truly care about the assembly being at home in the worship space. Greeters are called to the task of hospitality as the assembly gathers for worship, especially reaching out to newcomers. They maintain comfort and order, tending to those who need special attention.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: These ministers are called to assist the Clergy with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at parish liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers are practicing Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Holy Trinity-Lady of Fatima Prayer Community: Their vision is “to bring people to a personal relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with the Fire of the Holy Spirit.”
Readers: The Reader proclaims the readings from Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel at Mass. For a few brief moments, the Reader has an opportunity to become a storyteller, bringing to the assembly the songs of a poet, the visions of a prophet, or the emotions of an apostle. The Reader also announces the General Intercessions in the absence of the Deacon.
Music Ministry: The purpose of the members of the Music Ministry of Christ the King is to encourage the assembly in song and enhance the prayer life of the community through the beauty and joy of music. The Music Ministry supports our Parish’s sung prayer by encouraging full and active participation among the parishioners. Parishioners are invited to participate in the: Adult Choir, Ensemble, Youth Choir and Cantor Program.
Sacristan Ministry: One or more parishioners help set up the vessels and other needs in preparation for weekday or weekend liturgies.