"The mission of our program is to provide settings in which the youth of the Parish are instructed in faith and doctrine through the witness and teaching of competent catechists, using an integrated scope and sequence of materials and activities appropriate for each age and level of development. In addition, the mission of this ministry is to assist parents in their role as primary educator and prepare children for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation."
Welcome to Christ the King's Children's Religious Education! Our program is inspired by the fact that you, the parents or guardians of our students, are the primary educators of your children. Our goal is to provide families with resources and opportunities to experience faith beyond what is taught within the walls of the classroom. There is an old saying that "faith is caught, not taught" meaning that witness is the most important teacher of the faith. Children will learn from what their parents and teachers do more so than what is said. If you think back on your own religious education experience, chances are your positive memories were things that were done, hands on, rather than mote memory. This is still true of children today. In order to learn about faith, it must be experienced and that is what we try to do with the families of Christ the King, creating experiences for life long faith formation.
We do this by providing age appropriate retreats for everyone, Intergenerational Learning, monthly prayer, and family service opportunities. Our catechists are faith filled individuals who are dedicated to sharing their time and talent with your children. Our staff is ready to assist you in any way we can.
We hope that being a part of our program enhances your family's faith journey!