Thank you! Many of you have already returned your 2025 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal card. Our kick-off is coming up; but many of us have received our information a few weeks ago. Thank you for being an active participant with your prayers, and/or donation to the Ministry Appeal. You are very kind.
We are getting close to March—and that means we will soon be hearing of the bishop’s decision on parishes in our diocese on the restructuring efforts. I appreciate all who have participated in coming to the gatherings we had in the church. Also, I “hear” some of you wrote personal letters to the bishop. Thank you for your support. I do not know as of this writing what the decisions will be, however, I sense/feel that we will still be “here”. What that eventually turns out to be, and in what manner, I do not know. You are an active, participatory people. Coming to mass, volunteering for different ministries, getting involved in groups, etc., are all inspiring.
We want to keep the mission of the church going whatever the bishop’s decision may be. I suspect that even in the best case scenario, challenges will have to be met. Our first priority is to be a people of prayer, and walking with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is with us. We have the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. We are indeed, a very blessed people.
Peace…….Fr. Jeff