SYNOD 2021-2023

What is the Synod?

(Excerpts from the Diocese of Joliet website)

Bishop Hicks and the Diocese of Joliet hosted our inaugural Mass, initiating the diocesan phase, on October 17, 2021. The next phase of the synod will take place at the continental level in 2022, and finally it will end at the universal level in Rome in 2023.

Pope Francis’ hope, in line with his emphasis on the Church being intrinsically synodal, is to invite the world (believers, non-believers, the marginalized, the poor, etc.) to participate and talk about how the Church is living out its communion, participation and mission. 

The diocesan phase consists of each diocesan Church hosting “listening sessions” for its people. In the Diocese of Joliet, we are attempting to set these up through the various councils and already established ministries. 

How Can I Participate?

Throughout the month of February 2022, you will have a chance to have your voice heard!

The following questions will be part of the listening sessions:

For the following questions, 'Church' is defined as being part of the Diocese of Joliet.
A Synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together.” 
How is this “journeying together” happening today in the Church? 
How is the Holy Spirit inviting you to “journey together” with the Church? 
Where do you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit calling you closer to the Church?

How is God speaking to you through the voices that are in your life?
How is God speaking to you through voices we sometimes ignore, including those on the peripheries?
What space is there in your life to listen to the voices on the peripheries of the Church, especially cultural groups, women, the disabled, those who experience poverty, marginalization, or social exclusion?

What enables or hinders you from speaking up courageously, candidly, and responsibly in the Church and society?
What space is there in our parishes for the voice of people, including active and inactive members of our faith?

How are you able to participate in the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel?
What hinders you from being active in your parish?
How is authority or governance exercised in your local parish and in the Church?

Listening sessions regarding the questions above will be conducted in the Parish Hall using the following schedule:
Sunday, February 20th after the 8 a.m. & 12 Noon Masses
Saturday, February 26th after the 5 p.m. Mass
Sunday, February 27th after the 10 a.m. Mass

Synod Timeline

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