Faith Formation Registration

Christ the King Faith Formation Registration

Thank you for registering your family for Faith Formation at Christ the King Parish.

It is our joy and privilege to work in partnership with our parents and their children to provide ongoing instruction and reflection for all in matters of our shared faith. We are here to encourage and support you in your relationship with God.

We are people of our story - so we study Holy Scripture, writings of our Church and the lives of our saints. We are people of celebration - so we learn about and gather for our Sacraments and devotions. We are people of prayer - so we devote time to our ongoing relationship with God who love us now and forever. We are people of service - so we care for those around us with intention and purpose. You do all these things with your families in your daily lives.

                              " You are a child of God, beloved and blessed, called to be a disciple of Jesus all the days of your life."

Registration Form

Class Sessions


Tuition is $220.00 per family for the year.  Tuition will be collected through the online giving tab which at the bottom of each page of the website. Please just scroll down. Hopefully, this method of tuition collection will make it easier for families to fulfill their financial commitment, either by paying in full or making partial payments.

All families will need to create a profile on the online giving tab to facilitate payment(s).

If you need help with tuition, please call Fr. Jeff at 630.629.1717x1. Arrangements can be made. 

Thank you.

Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

Additional Details

Thank You

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